Friday, February 21, 2014


 I am excited to introduce to you all the official new name of my space and a more detailed explanation of my new art direction.  The space formerly known as Will Brooks Art Studio is now Will Brooks Art:  White Box.  Why "White Box?"  I chose the name for two reasons.  The first is the most obvious.  My space, without anything on the walls is a big white box with a concrete floor and ceiling.  It is also a nod to my theatre friends as a play off of "Black Box" theatre.  This will be my primary location for producing content(both physical for projects and media for online) and hosting most Will Brooks Art Experiences.

What is a Will Brooks Art Experience?

The Will Brooks Art Experience is the result of an epiphany I recently experienced which lead to not only a new personal worldview but also a dramatic philosophical shift in how I perceive and approach "Art."  Now, rather than only making art objects in the hopes that someone will purchase them, I am more invested in cultivating methods for creating entertaining and informative experiences that requires the direct interaction between artist, concept, and participant.  There will however be aesthetic continuity.  I will still be focusing on shape, color, and simplicity.  The difference will be in the execution and presentation.  I aim to create art that is more relevant to the participants on a personal level.  Participants will be directly involved in the art making process by making content, style, and presentation choices.  It's an experiment in social art making.  I believe it will allow for an interesting way to visually communicate the individual and shared human experience.  I want to break away from the model of art as something detached from life.  My new art will be much more organic.  I also want my art to be fun for all of those participating.  It is high time a little excitement gets pumped into the floundering 'art world' of old.

How will I accomplish this financially if I am no longer selling "things?"

This part is a leap of faith.  My new business model is rather unorthodox in the visual arts communities.  I will be operating in the new funding realm of crowd sourcing.  I will be asking all of you to support me directly according to your desire and means.  I will be producing some videos specifically for a profile as well.  I will also be launching a donation portal through Paypal.  I am convinced that if people believe in something strongly enough, they will support it, and I am convinced people like you will be excited about my new direction enough to back me financially.  I will be transparent on costs including my space rent, cost to produce a show, etc.  I think this is only fair.  There are only a couple of exceptions.  Most Will Brooks Art Experiences will result in a physical record(s) which I will refer to as "artifacts."  I will ask those who wish to participate in these types of experiences to cover costs of materials ONLY.  This will also be just as transparent as my other operating costs.  After the show/experience, those who participated may decide for themselves what, if any, monetary compensation is justified.  The only other exception will be merchandise such as t-shirts, prints, or photo books, etc. when applicable.

I hope you are all as excited as I am about my new art career direction!  I am looking forward to announcing my inaugural experience soon.  I will leak a tiny bit of information.  As of now, my first project will only have 9 available slots.  As it stands, I have invited two people to participate in this first experience, and if they accept, there will only be 7 slots left.  I am expecting the total mandatory cost(material supplies) to be under $100, and I am tentatively aiming for Friday, April 5 as the date of the first show.  Thank you all for your continued support!

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