Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday Cleaning Day

Today, I was intensely inspired to clean.  I wiped and vacuumed and threw out trash and straightened my bedroom.  I think I'm just ready to do something physically after such a long break.  I think part of it was that I wanted to keep busy after finding out that Robin Williams had committed suicide.  It's really confusing when someone with such an amazing gift that made so many people laugh gets taken down by depression.  It hits close to home.  My Mom has battled severe depression my whole life.  I remember the challenges she had to go through and the challenges our whole family had to go through.  One thing I do know is that Robin Williams has made me laugh more times in my life than I could possibly count.  I have watched "The Birdcage" too many times to remember and I laugh every single time.  That's an amazing gift to give to one person, much less millions.  I would like to put out to the Universe my dedication to Robin Williams.  It's one of my favorite songs of 2014 and the video to it just came out today.


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