Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My friend, Melanie Espinosa Pang's tattoo

In an earlier post I blogged about how a friend of mine gave me a huge compliment by wanting to use my work for tattoo she would have for life. I asked her if she would share her thoughts on why she chose my artwork and this is what she wrote me:

"I waited three years to get another tattoo, mainly because I knew I wanted a much larger, declarative tattoo and was determined to find the perfect artwork. I met Will while I was an intern at the Houston Press and was lucky enough to interview him during the Prop 8 chaos. ( ) After facebook-friending him, I perused the artwork on his website and found exactly what I was looking for.

I chose his 'Pride Birds' in part because of its connection to the GLBT community, but also because of the great lines, motion and personality the birds possess. I adore them and chose them not only for their beautiful simplicity, but also for their thoughtful postures, contemplating what their next actions might be.

Thank you so much, Will, for creating something I will cherish forever."

If you would like to read about what the concept of the tattoo means to Melanie, you can check out the story here:

The result is amazing!

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